Trisakti University Master of Law Study Program (hereinafter referred to as Master of Law Study Program) as a study program that organizes undergraduate education, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number: 2609/D/T/2001 dated 6 August 2001, as a response to Trisakti University’s commitment to always play an active role in realizing quality Indonesian human resources in the field of law.

Taking into account the current and future processes and dynamics of sustainable development, higher quality human resources are needed. In this regard, there is a need for further education which can provide additional knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience for both legal and non-law graduates. In accordance with the excellence of Trisakti University’s Faculty of Law, particularly the availability of human resources in the fields of Agrarian Law, Business Law and Criminal Law, the Master of Law Study Program provides 3 (three) concentrations, namely the Agrarian Law Concentration, Business Law Concentration and Criminal Law Concentration.

In carrying out its role, the Master of Law Study Program is guided by the vision and mission of the law master’s which is in accordance with the vision and mission of the Faculty of Law and Trisakti University. In practice, the Master of Law Study Program has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 016/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/S2/II/2006 dated 02 February 2006 with a grade of C, re-accredited based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board Higher Education Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 001/BAN-PT/Ak-V/S2/I/2007 January 13, 2007 with a B grade of 4.5, then re-accredited based on the Decree of the National Higher Education Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Education National Republic of Indonesia Number: 007/BAN-PT/AK-X/S2/VI/2012 dated 29 June 2012 with a grade of B with the number 336. This accreditation will expire in June 2017.

Then in 2017 re-accreditation was carried out and again obtained a B grade based on the BAN-PT Decree Number: 2235/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VII/2017. In the current learning process, the study program applies the curriculum according to the IQF at level 8, as stipulated in the Letter of Determination of the Chancellor of Trisakti University Number: 201.v/Ak.1.01/Usakti/R/VII/2015 dated 17 August 2015. This curriculum was then refined in year 2019 contained in the Chancellor’s Decree Number 1631/USAKTI/SKR/VIII/2019, and the last amendment was made in 2021 through Trisakti University’s Chancellor’s Decree Number 675/USAKTI/SKR/VII/2021 concerning the Operational Curriculum of Study Programs within the Scope of Trisakti University. 2021 July 22, 2021.

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