Master of Law Study Program

Service facilities in the academic field for students in study programs and the Faculty of Law are :

  1. Lecture rooms located on the 1st and 2nd floors of Building H and the floor where each lecture room is equipped with air conditioning, LCD, computer, screen, OHP and sound system.
  2. The Lecturer Room is for Permanent Lecturers which are located in Building H floors 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7.
  3. The library which is a facility provided to support the student teaching and learning process has the function of :
  4. As a source of information and knowledge
  5. Provide learning facilities
  6. Supporting the tridharma of higher education by providing a collection of textbooks, journals, scientific magazines, newspapers, research results, theses, theses and dissertation dictionaries, encyclopedias, seminar papers and digital information sources (Westlaw and LexisNexis).

The Service Facilities in the field of Administration for Students are :

  1. Academic, General and Financial Administration which serves students in providing information about lectures and exams and finances.
  2. Computer UPTF that serves students related to the use of Local Area Network (LAN), email, grade transcripts
  3. Administration of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations which provides information about scholarship applications, job vacancies and so on.

In addition to the facilities mentioned above, the Study Program and Faculty of Law also provide services in the field of student affairs, namely :

  1. Reasoning, interests and talents There is student participation in activities which include : Reasoning, Interests and Talents, both internally and externally, for example student participation in Seminars, Public Lectures or Scientific Discussions both held at the Faculty of Law and outside or non-academic competitions such as Basketball Tournaments, Sports Week Student or Student Choir.
  2. Career and Entrepreneurship Guidance Career guidance at the Faculty of Law is carried out by Guardian Lecturers for students in terms of providing views and suggestions regarding student studies and resolving problems that hinder the smooth learning process of the student concerned. Guidance on Entrepreneurship is provided by the Business Incubator Center which is under the Community Service Institute at the beginning of each lecture for new students which is part of the material given at the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) activities.
  3. Welfare, which includes:
  4. Guidance and counseling:

Faculty of Law in collaboration with UPT. Psychology and Counseling in the operation of student guardianship development. UPT Psychology and Counseling functions as an official consultation forum that is oriented towards psychological development in order to support the improvement of student achievement. UPT Psychology and Counseling is part of the guidance mechanism for students which is intended to encourage the success of student studies. Several forms of Guidance and Counseling activities carried out by UPT Psychology and Counseling can be described as follows :

1. Form of activity: Psychotest for new students.

Psychological tests are generally carried out by UPT Psychology and Counseling, in collaboration with the Faculties which are held every new academic year specifically for new students. This psychological test is intended to determine the psychological condition of students related to the process of adaptation to the higher education environment as well as knowing the potential possessed by new students.

2. Psychological tests for problematic students.

This psychological test is intended as an effort to find root causes and solutions for students who have problems both academically and non-academically (students violating student rules). Parties who can submit this test are Lecturer Guardians through Deputy Dean I or Deputy Dean III, or directly through Deputy Dean III for students who are indicated to be experiencing non-academic problems.

3. Scholarship Service

Scholarships are given to students who have successfully demonstrated achievements in academics, sports, arts and culture/talent, and Student Organization administrators. In addition to the scholarships above, scholarships are also given to students from disadvantaged areas and scholarships for victims of natural disasters.

Every student who has excelled, contributed or based on the consideration of the Faculty/University Leaders can be given a scholarship. Procedures for obtaining scholarships are regulated in the Faculty/University Technical Guidelines under the coordination of the Deputy Dean I, Deputy Dean II and Deputy Dean III and carried out by the Research and Community Service and Alumni Relations Subdivisions.

4. Health Services

The Faculty provides health service facilities through the Trisakti Medical Center (PMT USAKTI). The form of service, implementation and results can be described as follows :

      • Multipurpose Student Identity Card as a membership card at PMT USAKTI. Treatment and medical facilities (PMT, USAKTI Oral and Dental Hospital or USAKTI Hospital). The implementation is that if while on campus a student experiences health problems, then the person concerned can immediately seek treatment at the PMT or after receiving a referral from PMT can seek treatment at the USAKTI Dental and Oral Hospital or Hospital.
        Compensation for death.
      • The implementation is carried out by the Faculty in coordination with the Vice Chancellor II if during the course of study there is a student of the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University who dies.
      • In order to prevent the dangers of drug abuse (narcotics and illegal drugs) within the scope of USAKTI, it is regulated in SKR No. 342 of 1999 which was renewed by SKR Number 322 of 2010 which regulates the Prohibition of Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotics within Trisakti University. Urine test services are also intended for monitoring involvement in the abuse of narcotics, psychotropics and illegal drugs. The test is carried out at the beginning of each new semester, followed by all students as a prerequisite for completing KRS. Thus, every student will be able to control and be immediately detected when involved in the abuse of narcotics, psychotropics and illegal drugs.
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