Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Greetings to all of us.
Welcome to Universitas Trisakti’s Master of Law web page. Enjoy browsing the sheets of information we provide. We are fully aware that the world keeps moving and changing rapidly since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Limited mobility in the real world due to the pandemic has caused humans to move around without limits in the virtual world. The flow of information based on print media is slowly but surely becoming obsolete. Humans during the Covid-19 period, if it can be said that way, feel safer and more comfortable surfing, communicating, gathering, or just making small talk in the virtual world.
In line with these developments, the Master of Law Studies (MIH) Program seeks to provide complete information and a forum for communicating with the broad community through digital media. Of course, in line with the old saying that nobody’s perfect or no rose without a thorn. Then, of course, there is a lot of incomplete information and numerous deficiencies on our web page. Therefore, we will always complete the required information to keep abreast of changes in society that move fast as laws that keep up with society’s developments, hopefully.